The logo for oldham county kentucky established in 1824

Oldham County Attorney's Office

D. Berry Baxter

100 W Jefferson Street, Suite 5, La Grange, KY

OC Fiscal Court Building, Second Floor


Walter M. "Matt" Hudson

Assistant County Attorney

B.S. (Justice Administration); University of Louisville (1999)
M.S. (Justice Administration); University of Louisville (2007)
Law School: J.D.; Chase College of Law at Northern Kentucky University (2014)
Admitted to Practice Law in Kentucky: 2014

Before attending law school, Matt worked as a correctional officer, a 911 dispatcher, a child protective services investigator, and a probation and parole officer. Matt attended law school part-time while working as a probation and parole officer. He graduated magna cum laude in 2014. After obtaining his law license, Matt started his career as a prosecutor as an Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney for Oldham, Henry, and Trimble Counties. In 2016, he joined the Oldham County Attorney’s Office as an Assistant County Attorney. His duties include prosecuting misdemeanors in District Court and prosecuting felonies and misdemeanors in juvenile court. He also advises the Oldham County Code Enforcement Board.

Matt is a member of the Kentucky Bar Association and the Oldham County Bar Association, and previous member of the American Bar Association and the Louisville Bar Association. In addition to practicing in Kentucky state courts, Matt has also been admitted to practice in Kentucky’s federal courts, including the bankruptcy courts for both the Eastern and Western Districts of Kentucky.

A man in a suit and tie is smiling for the camera.
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