The logo for oldham county kentucky established in 1824

Oldham County Attorney's Office

D. Berry Baxter

100 W Jefferson Street, Suite 5, La Grange, KY

OC Fiscal Court Building, Second Floor


Oldham County Attorney Traffic Safety Program

“The County Attorney Traffic Safety Program may allow your traffic citation to be dismissed upon successful completion of the program. The cost of the program is $175.00 (plus any processing fee), and payment can be made online, and you are encouraged to do so.


There is no need to do anything at this time. Your citation will be screened by the County Attorney’s Office, and if you are eligible for the program, you will receive a letter or postcard in the mail automatically that will provide further instructions.


In addition, if you are charged with No Insurance, you may be eligible for a reduced fine if you participate in our insurance monitoring program. Eligibility will be determined when you appear in Court.”

A bunch of yellow signs that say do n't drink and drive
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